11 September 2006

Adventures in August & Start of School

Since we haven't posted consistently in the last month or so, we figured it was time to catch up.
August was a crazy, busy month. While Jonathan was in Washington, D.C. finishing up his 2 internships, Sunny had a business trip to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China for 2 weeks with her parents. While in Taiwan, she got to see some of her new members and also get to eat all of the Taiwanese food she's been craving for the last couple of years! Then it was off to Hong Kong for 2 days where she met up with old friends Alicia & Rick Abelmann who are there working for the next couple of years. It was really nice to catch up. Then it was off to Beijing where she got her wedding qi pao and to look at some hotels that were just purchased, and after many gala evenings and meetings in Beijing and Hebei, she finally made it back to LA where she met up with Jonathan. Jonathan had been at home for a couple of days before having some family reunions and getting partially situated before heading out to LA.
We would just like to say that Skype is amazing! We talked online for free every day, multiple times a day while we were apart this summer. And we got to use video too on Yahoo Messenger. It was great to be able to keep in touch despite the distance, and from this couple of months apart we've learned that we're extremely bad at separation. So we're going to keep it at a minimum from now on...only 2 weeks at a time for Sunny's business trips.
After our short, short trip to Hawaii where we took engagement pics and finished all the arrangements for our wedding there in November, we flew to LA where we were models for a day for some Sunrider advertising. It was actually really tiring, and now we know that the life of a model is not so easy...yeah, not a future career path for either of us.
Now it's back in Utah, and we've been able to visit Jonathan's family, see his aunt and uncle's new Japanese style house, and busily get ready for his classes and law school applications. Deciding a career can be so hard, especially when you have so many interests that range from law to linguistics. But we know that the Lord will guide us in this important decision on graduate programs and law schools. We're looking forward to this final year in Provo, and it's been really nice seeing our friends...we're really excited to get married though! Everyone keeps asking us if we already got married this summer...so funny because the trend in Utah is only a few months for engagement. But, the day is coming near...finally!
That's all for now, and we'll definitely keep posting more frequently from now on. Enjoy the pics!


Jerin said...

You guys are BUSY! Come see us again when you're in town, ok? One day, we wanna go stay in some of your hotels in China too. (That way we can be sure there aren't video cameras hidden in the walls. heheh)

Water Tribe said...

Hawaii for the wedding? That is so wonderful. When are you guys going to post the engagement pictures? We are jealous Sunny getting to all that yummy food in Taiwan. Karri still talks about that small eatery place across the Nanjing University in China that served the best Xiao Long Baos. Karri and I have even been talking about going back to Taiwan lately just to eat. :P - Brian

Tanya Sio said...

Sounds like you've had quite the summer...travelling and all..I would love to travel one day...but I don't know if I would be able to handle the airplanes and the jet lag... Congrats on the upcoming wedding too. :)

Heckachan said...

Wow, you are quite the traveler! Josh and I had an atypical BYU/Mormon engagement as well, so I know how you feel :-) But it sure does give you a lot of time to plan out every little detail of that special wedding day. I bet you're going to look so beautiful! Congrats again!!

Jonathan & Sunny - Since 2005