06 December 2006

Laie Temple Pictures - 22 Nov. 2006


TC said...

I think my fave. pic is the one with the Hawaii Temple at an angle! Blow it up! It's cool! Vegas! I'm coming too! HAven't had enough of the good asian food...in fact I was just craving the one singapore restaurant we went to in Spring Mountain! Was tempted to drive down then I remembered it's like 5 hours away...boo! Have fun though! Go to the Wynn....it's so dainty and pretty!

Jerin said...

Beeeeautiful! We wish we could have been there.

Joshua said...

Here's a second vote for the angled shot. They are all nice photos, though. Thanks for sharing.

Lara said...

You guys look amazing... QUE guapisima la novia!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan & Sunny - Since 2005