16 February 2008

Hollywood, UCLA, the Getty, parties, Chinese New Year, etc.

Our good friend/brother Carlos is with us this weekend.  He really wanted to escape Utah's weather, so he is in luck....  We're having a great time with him here... but there is definitely not enough time to enjoy everything there is to see and do in Los Angeles and its region! :) He'll have to return many times yet.  Enjoy the photos of this weekend at the following links:

Click here for pictures of our niece's birthday party this weekend.

For pictures of Chinese New Year party at the LDS Church, click here and here.

Carlos and Jonathan do Palos Verdes in L.A. Photos here.

Around UCLA, the Getty Center in L.A.: photos here.

Photos of Long Beach and Hollywood HERE.

08 February 2008

Pictures/Update of the past few days . . .

We want to share some pictures with you.  These pictures are of recent events and activities. :)

We were in Utah for the baby blessing of Jonathan's cousin, Melissa. The snow led to a cancellation of church services, so it was done at her parents' home. Here are pictures from that event.

For more pictures of what we did over last weekend in Utah, please see this album.

Also in Utah, President Hinckley's memorial services. Jonathan and his sister and parents participated in the cane salute on South Temple following the funeral.  Click here.

Our Chinese New Year celebrations began this year with the Torrance Chamber of Commerce celebration.  Click here for pics.

SUPER TUESDAY - We voted, and had a party at our house, and enjoyed good food.  Click here.

Jonathan & Sunny - Since 2005