18 November 2007

Los Angeles Temple

from my sunroof while driving down the Santa Monica Blvd. The Mormon Temple in L.A.!

L.A. Aids Walk

This was in West Hollywood recently... we were there and Jamee spoke with Mr. Partridge, who was in green from head to toe! We even saw Steven Spielberg, and a bunch of other stars.

Redondo Beach

This is very near our house! Love the ocean, etc.

LDS General Conference

The first weekend in October we spent in Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah.
Great experience to attend conference, several events, and spend time with family & friends!!

Los Angeles miscellaneous

The main terminal of the tiny Long Beach airport!

Morning traffic in Westwood, West L.A.

At a benefit dinner, the Miss Taiwan and Miss Teen Taiwan in L.A.!

Jonathan's brief visit to Boise, Idaho

los angeles house

These are some new shots of our new home here in L.A.

Jonathan & Sunny - Since 2005