Well, it's been a long time since we've put up a post...sorry~! We've been kinda sorta busy...basically, we're stuck at one of our apartments every day with Jonathan studying for the LSAT or Sunny on the computer doing work or planning stuff for our wedding. So it's great that Jonathan took the LSAT on Saturday...YAY!!!! He studied very hard every day in September, tried to improve on his weak sections, and he hopefully succeeded and did well on the test. We won't find out for a few weeks, but at least it's over with and now we can relax...kind of.
Last Saturday, right after Jonathan's LSAT, he and his roomate, Erik, held a beautiful bonfire at the Wyview apts. where they burned two of their LSAT prep books. Lots of heat in the backyard, and lots of smiles and dancing around the fire. It felt a little sacriligious burning books, but they'll never use them again. Then we rushed up to Salt Lake to meet Sunny's family who came to Salt Lake for Conf. and Erik (Jonathan's roomate) literally ran to make Priesthood session for Gen. Conf., the women went to Deseret Book which was super duper packed with a live concert going on (yes, I'm sure some guys wish they could've been there...Jonathan called it the General Enrichment meeting of the Church). After priesthood, we all went out to dinner with both of our families and a bunch of Sunny's parents' friends who live in Utah. It was a really great time at Christopher's Seafood and Steakhouse...very nice.
We went to Gen. Conf. Sunday morning at the Conf. center, and we all listened to some wonderful talks from the church leaders, then afterwards Sunny's family checked out of their hotel, at lunch at Chuck-a-Rama (Sunny's dad's fave place to eat in Utah), and then went to the airport....yes, this is the somewhat detailed semi-quick rundown of last weekend.
So, now life following the LSAT is just as busy. Jonathan had a slew of tests this week and aced most of them, Sunny finished up some wedding stuff, and now Sunny's on a business trip in Los Angeles. She'll travel to Tokyo, Korea, and Beijing from LA next week. Jonathan will be busy until she gets back though because he has been invited to particpate in some political campaigns and the Model Arab League all in the one day that Sunny has been gone. Yep, always busy, not much time to rest, but we really do enjoy our time together. It's too bad we have to be apart while Sunny's away on business, but hopefully next year we will be able to travel to some places together.
As usual, we're uber excited for marriage...it can't come soon enough!